Jason Hall









Jason Hall - I am a queer artist/activist and Sexological bodyworker. I am currently Studying a Master Degree at The University of the Arts London. I have drawn my experience from teaching the creative process to children and adults with behavioural and learning difficulties and enable people to find new ways to interact with the world and one another. Through my work I am researching the effect of Bonobo behaviour on Humans. I have developed The Bonobo Experience© in order to do this.

I am passionate about sexuality, playfulness, creativity and Bonobo culture. Play is a process that helps us relate to the world in a stress free way. If we use our creativity we can confront things that are challenging, test new boundaries and discover new realms of possibility.

I have discovered that Bonobo’s use their sexuality to manifest pleasure and defuse conflict, by subverting dangerous emotions like anger before it turns to rage, bringing harmony to their tribe. The introduction of Bonobo behaviour to humans has had remarkable effects and keeps me wanting to learn more.

With your participation the profile of our closest relative increases and funds the adoption programme at Lola Ya Bonobo Sanctuary in the Congo.

They teach us and we help them, simple.
If you want to know more about retreats or would like to get involved please do ask, or contact me at bonobohouse.org





The Bonobo Experience© workshop #1
This workshop will include consensual touch, but will not include sex.

The Bonobo Experience© workshop #2
This workshop will include consensual touch and semi nudity but will not include sex.

The Bonobo Experience© workshop #3 + Bonobo Orgy
This workshop will include consensual touch, nudity and sexual contact.

The Bonobo Experience® workshop #4 + Bonobo Orgy
This workshop will include consensual touch, nudity and sexual contact.







How to have fun bonding and transforming conflict while exploring the sex-positive culture of our primate cousins!

This workshop offers a rare journey into the polyamorous bonobo world, with a Human Bonobo tribe to keep you company. Join us for a unique insight into conflict resolution, group cooperation and open love.

The Bonobo behavior workshops teach us how to capture and highlight the inter-play between Bonobo and human. As human’s we see how to live as Bonobos'. We learn group compassion, re-learn play, bond, groom and understand why sex and touch is a tool to keep the peace. Though this work we disrupt our mono-species experience with that of the Bonobo and rediscover our past that has been forgotten.

Unlike Chimps and Humans, Bonobos live without war, murder, rape and infanticide. The females govern with wisdom, not brute force. I believe we are living out of balance and a Bonobo outlook may be just what we need.




• Experience being born as a Bonobo
• Enjoy sharing the sensual tastes of the fruits of the jungle
• Take pleasure in a Bonobo grooming
• Reframe your ideas around group interaction through touch and play
• Explore the queer dimension of bonobo culture

• Explore Bonobo social skills in order to reflect on our own
• Find new methods of interaction whilst inhabiting your inner Bonobo
• Role-play how Bonobos use polyamorous sex to diffuse conflict, say hello and develop strong bonds
• Increase awareness of Bonobos and how we use there behaviors to bring change in our life’s .









Photos: © unknown